Gazeta Wyborcza recognized our company and unusual approach to business. In the Monday issue it published an interview with the President, Andrzej Walus. We are proud. Article […]
Month: December 2016
Official opening of our new office at ul. Ślusarska 9
On August 18th, 2016 we officially opened our new office at ul. Ślusarska 9 in Kraków. The event was accompanied with the opening of the exhibition of Marzenia Jagiełło whose works will be available in our office from October, and a recital of Rachela Wasilewska – cello and Michał Dorman – piano. A magical evening, […]
Bogusław Nizierski – opening of the exhibition
On Friday, August 14th, in the office of Księgowość Polska we held the opening of the exhibition of Bogusław Nizierski’s works. On this exceptional evening we managed yet another time to combine two seemingly very different fields of business and art. Thank you all for coming. We encourage those who have not seen the exhibition […]
NOSPR: Spotkania, Miasto, Miejsce, Muzyka (The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra: Meetings, City, Place, Music)
Księgowość Polska at the opening of the exhibition #5 in the Gallery of Architecture GAGA.
Women Business Network associations
On this day our guest were: Elżbieta Młynarczyk, a nail stylist, and Adam Karski, a well-known stylist and photographer who presented the fashion trends for women and men for the upcoming New Year’s Eve. Księgowość Polska has been happy to support this event.
Księgowość Polska w Gallery of Architecture in Garden od Arts
Księgowość Polska in the Gallery of Architecture in the Garden of Arts. Friday, December 20th at the opening of the exhibition “Osie Czasu” (“Timelines”) in the Gallery of Architecture GAGA, Małopolski Ogród Sztuki. Księgowość Polska, in cooperation with Fundacja Aktywnych Obywateli (Foundation of Active Citizens), has been honored to be the sponsor of this event. […]